Now you could always trace a photograph on your own.
Here is a very good tutorial on tracing photos but involves that you know Illustrator basics.Place a photo
2. Start tracing
- Ctrl+[ = Send Backward (This will send object back 1 step)
- Ctrl+] = Bring Forward (This will bring object front 1 step)
- Ctrl+Shift+[ = Send to Back (This will send object all the way to the back)
- Ctrl+Shift+] = Bring to Front (This will bring object all the way to the front)
- Ctrl+F = Paste in Front (This will paste object in front with same position)
3. Make shadow
Use the same technique from previous step and make all shadow paths for the overall illustration. You don’t have to get into the details yet, one simple shadow path of each part is good enough (ie. eye, lips, shirt, body, etc). Remember to use Ctrl+C for copy; and Ctrl+F to paste object in front. Trust me, this will save you a lot of time!
4. Fill in base color
Now fill in the base color for the face, eye, lips, and eyebrow.
5. Shadow gradient
6. Body
7. Hair
Pretty much the same, fill 1 path with the gradient, then use the Eyedropper Tool to copy the fill.
8. Shirt
Same technique as the previous steps.
9. Skirt
Fill the skirt with a blue gradient, then use the Eyedropper Tool to copy the fill for the shadow.
10. Hair details
After you get used to this tracing technique, you can basically trace anything!